Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Video Scenario

     The video project will be geared towards fourth graders that are learning about the Boston Tea Party in their history classes. The students will need to recreate the Boston Tea Party or the events leading up to it via a video recording.

     The project will need many preparations prior to the releasing of the videos and providing the students with the information about the project. The teacher will need to make sure that all the students understand the events leading up to the Boston Tea Party and the Boston Tea Party itself. The teacher will also need to ensure that all the students are familiar with the video equipment, and on how to edit films. It is important that the teacher go over the equipment and various websites that the students can access to help them on their project. It is also important that the teacher have enough props for all the students to use, if the video is to be filmed within class. There needs to be a sufficient amount of video cameras and tapes that the students can use for their project.

      There may be many challenges in conducting a video project with an elementary class; however, it can go smoothly, if conducted efficiently. It could be challenging, if starting this project for the first time, to make sure that all the students are at the same spot in their knowledge of video cameras and making videos. Even if a teacher presents the information to their students, some may already have knowledge on how to do such things. Others, may not listen while the teacher is explaining, and then will therefore be unable to correctly use the provided materials. Students will also need to understand the purpose and how to use a storyboard. This will help them gather their ideas, so they can present a draft of their video to the teacher.
     Another challenge could be getting the materials that are needed to do such a project. It may be difficult to budget for every group of students to get a video camera and tape, so it is important to realize that the groups of students will have to find times where they can film that does not interfere with other groups of students. Once students are done filming, it is important that the objective of the lesson is clear. Are the videos going up on a website? Do the students have permission from their parents to post a video (if they’re in the video) of themselves?
     Although it could be a difficult process, using video in the classroom can definitely enrich a student's experience in the classroom. This could help the students review a particular topic, or explore a new one. It should help those students are kinesthetic learners and auditory learners. Students will have an enjoyable experience as they create videos and are able to show their family, and other important individuals to them, what they have learned and created.

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