9. Locate 1 good and 1 bad example of electronic portfolios on the Internet. Post these as links in a blog entry. Tell me your justification for choosing each.
I do not think that this is a very good example of an electronic portfolio. The person gives a lot of background information on herself. However, the individual does not include any examples of her teaching ability. I did not come across any lesson plans or works from students that she may have had in the past, or worked with. While I was exploring the site, many of the links were broken and did not lead the viewer to what they should have. The only thing that I could see that visually gave the viewer a glimpse into their teaching ability was a syllabus for a course.
The portfolio seemed that the professional was trying too hard to display him or herself and not their potential is to become a teacher. The site is filled with information on the person and all the education that they have achieved. However, it shows next to nothing about their ability to teach or how well they relate to students.
I think that this is a decent example of a professional teaching portfolio. She gave many links to explore her site and made it very navigable. She provided images throughout her site, to give the viewer a better sense of who she is. She also provided an example unit on the water cycle that a potential employer is able to explore. Throughout her portfolio, she provides many descriptions alongside pictures and links. This is precisely what the above website explains. It says that it is important to explain what is on your site. The only comment I could make, is that she does not provide a long description. I feel that her descriptions should be a little longer so that perspective employers can get a better feeling for what she is describing.
Unlike the previous portfolio, this individual does not show as much of her professional growth. I feel that it would be critical to place as many examples of professional development as possible. This person only shows two examples of her development. Through exploring her résumé, I also think that she could expand upon this a bit as well. Overall, however, I feel that her portfolio is much better than the aforementioned portfolio because she displays how she is able to work with students. She also explains several things throughout her website to inform her viewer better.
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