I thought that the video project was a lot of fun. It did not create too much of a hassle for my partner and I, therefore it was a great learning experience. Within our project, the aspect of sound worked very well. Liz and I were not too sure what we were doing, however the sound came out perfectly. We were lucky, that unlike other groups, we did not have to record sound after filming our video. The timing portion of our video also worked rather well. I heard that many groups needed to cut down on film to make their video an appropriate length. However, our film was the perfect length after filming and adding a few different pieces here and there.
I think that the actual video itself could have improved. Throughout our film, the filming was a little shaky. I think that we could have benefitted from using a tripod, or something of that sort. Other than that, I feel as though our video is not very bad for two beginning video project students.
I would approach this project more differently next time by being more organized. My group was not fully aware that we were to start filming that Monday. I think that we were a bit thrown off guard, as for the fact that we had planned on getting crunches and talking to pub safe prior to our filming. However, even without either one of these, our filming went rather well. We ended up using a friend to be the voice of pub safe, and he did quite a nice job.
I learned a lot from this project. Not frequently do I pick up a video camera and start filming. My group had a little trouble at first, operating a camera for beginners. However, once we got the camera working, it was not very difficult. I will take away from this project how to edit film. I think that it was very interesting learning about the different ways that one can edit film. I also will take away how to insert music--and all the various adjustments that you can make with sounds or voices.
This will be a great project to use within my classroom and it is critical that I am able to help my students with their project. Without this project, I am unsure if I would be willing enough to try to use video within my classroom. I think that the students will have a lot of fun and using video will be a great learning experience for my students.
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